If you are having issues creating an account or logging in, please make sure you have the latest version of HER from the Playstore or the App Store. You can access those here:

Playstore // Appstore


If you are still unable to login or create an account and you DO meet the authentication criteria email us at support@weareher.com and include the option below that correlates to your log-in method:

  • The email address linked to your Facebook account
  • The email address linked to your Apple Login (this could have been created for you if you hid your email. Please check your phone settings for this email
  • Your Instagram username 
  • Phone Number (with your country code)

Also, include a Screenshot of what you are seeing and screenshot of any alert box that is displaying

We can not review your issue unless you send us all of the above pieces of information so we can accurately locate your account.